5 Surprising Things To Know About Bankruptcy

30 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Bankruptcy is often seen as a negative moment in one's life. However, this is often because the facts about bankruptcy are often not well understood. There are several facts about bankruptcy that can be very surprising. The best way to avoid surprises you don't want is to speak with a bankruptcy attorney. 1. You May Be Able to Stop a Repossession If your car is being repossessed, you may be able to stop the repossession as long as the car hasn't already been sold by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Read More 

Times To Use Chapter 13 Even If You Qualify For Chapter 7

29 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the first things a bankruptcy lawyer does during a consultation visit is to examine your income and debts to see which branch you should use. You might learn that you qualify for Chapter 7 and for Chapter 13, and many would rather use Chapter 7. Chapter 7 is not always the best choice, though. Here are four situations where you should consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy, even if you meet the requirements for Chapter 7. Read More